Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The Attack of the Velcro Baby

There are no words to describe the love a mother feels for her child. It is awe consuming and really rather magical if you think about the pure beauty of it. When you are pregnant with your second, you feel you could never love another the way you love your first, yet lo and behold, out comes the second and you are equally as enamered with the little pink bundle. Then the third comes around and you just know, this is going to be so amazing because I am already completely obsessed. He/She is born, and forget it you're hooked, love at first sight. This love grows at such an exponential rate over time, that you can scarcely remember a time before the blessed little rugrats came around. Now this sounds completely magical and glorious until the beautiful fruit of your loin comes down with a nasty virus. This sweet and cherub-like being, becomes a demon child. This little one is often known as Velcro Baby.

I am sure at one time or another, us doting mothers have had to take our little ones in the bathroom to do our business. When Velcro-itis is attacking, you literally have to pee with your loved one on your lap. That is not all...there is not a chore to be done, and your other children think this means that it's a complete free for all. They throw caution, and every toy, crayon, and anything else imaginable to the wind. Meaning your once tidy abode looks like a twister passed through. Your legs are about to buckle underneath you because there is no way your buttcheeks will ever touch a couch, chair, or even the hard wood floor because the baby really feels the difference when standing. They have a built in sensor that knows when we are approximately a centimeter closer to feeling more comfortable. Comfort is not an option when this affliction attacks.

When you finally lay the angel of your dreams in bed, you hope to get a bit of rest. Rest is for wimps, there's dinner to made, dishes to be washed, tornadoes to be cleaned up, and yes other children to be tended to. When your small fry wakes up, you actually realize you missed the little bugger, and couldn't dream of why you ever wanting him/her to nap. You actually missed this cling-on insanity and wouldn't be able to go on without it. I guess the moral of this is; nothing this good comes without it's challenges. Someday I will have a pair of pants without crusty puffs on it and when I do, I'll be sorry. That means the baby is gone, and in it's place is a whiny teenager hitting me up for cash....again. I love you my Buddy Boy! Mwah!

1 comment:

  1. I think I have peed once or twice with a child on my lap.. nice to know you have too :)
